Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Communication with the Great Drooler of Ningyocho

Rhianna has been becoming very communicative (at least we think so) recently. If we make little sounds like "oooh" and "aaaah" to her, she quite often mimics us, and vice versa. It's pretty funny. She has also been really smiling a lot.

Almost as good of news for us--she now routinely sleeps about 7-8 hour a night, which makes for some really comfortable and rested days for Shinachan and me. Rhianna has been very cooperative!

During this past week, Shinachan's friend Tana-chan and her son Hikaru came to visit--you can see a funny picture in which Hikaru got jealous because his mom was holding Rhianna.

We also had a wonderful etching delivered from my host family from my exchange student days, the Tamaru-family, of Osaka. They took a print of Rhianna's footprint and had it etched into glass. A wonderful keepsake!!

A longtime family friend from Loveland, Ms. Faye Chapman, also sent us a very thoughtful card and gift.

Thank you so much Tamaru family and Ms. Chapman!!!! Your thoughtfullness is much appreciated !!!!!!

Im attaching some videos of us trying to induce communication, along with one of her typical sleeping videos. I also have a photo montage of her stretching in her bed.

She's almost two months old!!! More pictures soon.

And the videos!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Breaking News--More Cute Pictures of Rhianna

Rhianna decided to do some more smiling, and also demanded that we add these pictures of her posing with her gifts from her Great Aunt and Great Grandmother.

More soon!

Mid-July Update

Busy past few weeks for us here in Tokyo. This is a season with lots of medical conventions and seminars, and I've been attending many on the weekends for Johnson & Johnson. Shinachan and Rhianna have been doing very well, though. Shinachan is feeling great, and Rhianna has been getting bigger and developing more (at least we think!) ability to smile. Shinachan's friend Yuki came to visit recently--I'll include a picture.

We also had a few wonderful gifts arrive recently.

Great Aunt Jane in England sent some really cute Peter Rabbit cups and dishes. Great Grandma Betty in Montana sent a fantastic baby book to record her "firsts" and a little rabbit. We'll have fun filling that in! Thank you both for the wonderful gifts--they're much appreciated!!!!!

More updates and pictures (hopefully) soon(er)!

And some videos! (if they appear to be black, double-click on the bottom-left button of each box)