Sunday, February 17, 2008

February Update

It has been a cold past several weeks for us here in Tokyo. Luckily, we've enjoyed staying indoors (and running up a huge electricity bill) while watching Rhianna grow and enjoy standing. She loves to pull herself up and stand next to us for long periods of time. Another of her favorite activities is pulling herself up next to the table and walking around it while knocking things onto the floor. She has a tremendous reach, so in our small apartment virtually nothing can be put too far away for her to get her hands on. It's pretty funny to watch her do this, but we definitely have to keep an eye on her at all times. She's a fast crawler now, but just on the verge of walking. Maybe by the next blog, she will be walking around our apartment!
She also has 8 teeth (four on top, four on the bottom), which aids in her eating (at least i think so--she still eats mostly soft foods). Her favorite foods are tofu, fruit (especially mandarin oranges, but also apples and bananas), and a few other items, but she does not like raw tomatos (just like her dad). She also enjoys drinking tea out of a non-spill bottle with a straw.
Shinako's online business has been doing well. She started out fairly well in January, but has done very well in February, surpassing her sales for January before the first week of the month was over. Maybe that has something to do with her models, Rhianna (Baby Purple) and Carson Richards.
I'm attaching several pictures taken over the past month.
Rhianna in her pink coat

Rhianna in her pink coat (pt 2)

Sleeping on dad's lap

More sleeping on dad

Standing tea bar

Enjoying tea

Hanging out at the standing tea bar

More tea drinking

Am I spilling something? How funny I am!!

Rhianna-chan relaxed

Rhianna modelling for mom

More modelling

Out shopping with mom and dad

Out shopping with mom and dad (pt. 2)

More soon!!