Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hot June

Today was the first day of the year that really felt like hot summer. John spent most of the last week in western Japan, taking care of a doctor from New Zealand at a medical conference. Shinako was busy as usual with her company, and is currently working on new promotional literature which she hopes to debut next week. Rhianna is busy on building her vocabulary, with her latest addition being "good job!!" followed by a double "thumbs up" sign. It's pretty funny.

Today we spent the day at the Lollaport Mall at Tokyo Bay enjoying the beautiful weather. Rhianna loved playing on the swing-set and the jungle gym. I'll attach pictures! More soon.

Mom and Rhianna at the mall

Running in circles




The slide

The slide

Playing house

Playing house

Playing house

The Lallaport Mall

Tokyo Bay

At work at the toy store

At work at the toy store

At the park

At the park

Hanging out at home

Hanging out at home

Hanging out at home


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